


MVC(Medical Venture Conference) is a non-profit organization in Japan mainly attended by medical docotors. Its mission is to hold innovative and practical seminars and to stimulate intellectual and human interactions in the healthcare field, and to contribute to the higher medical level in Japan. It was founded as a mutual-aiding seminar of medical doctors in Feb.2004 in Osaka, Japan. Small seminars about practical knowledge that is useful for clinicians have been held 35 times in Osaka and in Tokyo up to now. In Aug.2007, MVC was given a legal entity by Kyoto prefecture. In addition to the seminars, MVC started a free medical dictionary project named "Medipedia" in Sep.2006. Mr.Jimmy Wales, the founder of the Wikipedeia project, attended the 32nd MVC monthly seminar in Tokyo on Mar.10 2007 as a lecturer. MVC will continue to be the information center of medical innovation and is looking forward to invite international lecturers on healthcare and medical field to make further intellectual and human interactions.



救急医療のABC 救急医療の基本的な介入順序として重要なのが、 Airway management 気道確保 Breathing support 呼吸補助 Circulation stabiliza …続きを読む…