
Those who are interested in the Medipedia project and who make article and editorial contributions.

The Medipedia project was originally conceived in the early summer of 2006 in Japan, when Dr.Musashi, an oththalmologist and the representative director of MVC Japan, read an article of Mr. Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia project. Dr.Inoue received the idea and passed it to Dr.Nakao, a medical doctor and system engineer.

Dr.Nakao finished the programming in 4 weeks and the Medipedia appeared in the internet space in the morning of Sep.9 of 2007. Interestingly, medical doctors in UK had started the similar project, called medipedia UK, 3 days before.

Dr.Mandai,an ophthalmologist and researcher in molecular medicine, and Mr.Tamari,a dental student also joined in the editorial board soon later.

Mr.Jimmy Wales made a speech in the 32nd monthly seminar of MVC in Tokyo on Mar.10,2007, and was interested in the Medipedia project. A promise of donation in the future from MVC to Wikimedia foundation was made then, as a thankful reward of the idea of "free web dictionary" and the generous open source policy of Wiki system.

MVC is always open and accepting new medipedians, medical/dental doctors and students, who are willing to make intellectual innovations using this format.



MUSASHI Kunihiro,M.D.,Ph D.

System Architecture:

NAKAO Akihiro, M.D.

MVC-JAPAN Article Contributors :

AKINE Yoshihide, M.D. (Psychiatry)

ARUGA Takashi

ENDO Kaori

INOUE Takashi, M.D. (Preventive medicine, Emergency medicine)

MANDAI Michiko, M.D.,Ph D.(Ophthalmology, Regenerative medicine)

MUSASHI Kunihiro, M.D.,Ph D.(Ophthalmology)

MORISHITA Shiho, M.D.(Ophthalmology)

NISHIMURA Mamoru, M.D. (Ophthalmology)

OKAFUJI Ikuo, M.D. (Pediatrics, Allergy and rheumatology)

OKI Toshihiko, M.D.,Ph D. (Cellular immunology)

OOISHI Akio, M.D. (Ophthalmology)

TAMARI Masayuki, D.D.S. (Dentistry)

YAMAIKE Noritatsu, M.D.(Ophthalmology)

YAMAKAWA Kentaro, M.D. (Neurology)

Special Article Contributors:

UMEZAWA Tomoki (Social Psychology)

Editorial Board:

MANDAI Michiko, M.D.,Ph D.

TAMARI Masayuki


INOUE Takashi, M.D.




概要 各種組織、細胞での遺伝子発現をデーターベース化したもの。 ポストゲノミック時代の手法としてまず注目されているのはこうした遺伝子発現解析であり、近年DNAアレイなどの手法が考案され、組織や細胞で …続きを読む…